Rainbow Capitalism: Don’t Buy That Rainbow Toilet Paper

This pride month, since I am out and proud already in most of my social settings, I want to focus on something this month that isn't about myself and my own identity. I want to talk about rainbow capitalism. Rainbow Capitalism is where large companies MS paint their logos rainbow for all of June to... Continue Reading →

The Line Between Self-Care and Depression/Mental Fatigue

*******CW: Mental Health, self talk.******** *******Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and my experience only. Everyone is different. I am not saying that everyone who is doing self-care is "just depressed", or that every one that is depressed should "just do self-care". This is just what I noticed about myself.******* + + + + + +... Continue Reading →

Summer Binding: A How-To

This small post is a PSA for all my trans and nonbinary folks that use binders, how to bind safely during the summer! Summer is crazy hot and will only get worse as time goes on (thanks global warming) so for those of us that use binders, it makes summer extra hard to go through!... Continue Reading →

‘They’ Series: Public Conversation

This is the final installment in the series where I talk about how to use the singular pronoun 'They' and other gender-neutral terms. This post is for the public and addressing nonbinary and genderqueer folks in a public setting. This could be at work, at a cafe, at a restaurant, etc. This could also be... Continue Reading →

‘They’ Series: For Kids and Teens

This 'They' series entry is meant for teaching the kids in the lives of Nonbinary folks! This is for children, siblings, cousins, and friends! Let's start with the basics:  In school, we learn about boy and girl, men and women. We learn that we are assigned one of these categories at birth based on our... Continue Reading →

Showcase: Nonbinary Expression

This post is going to be a showcase of Nonbinary Expression! I took to Twitter and Reddit, asking those who are Nonbinary if they could post pictures of how they express themselves to the world through clothes and their thoughts about it, as well as examine it for myself. These are the results! Nonbinary Expression... Continue Reading →

“They” Series: Friends

Continuing my Series of the singular pronoun "They", I'd like to turn the conversation to friends! The Context: You are a nonbinary person's best friend. Maybe you've known them your whole life, or two years. Maybe you're their peer in a college class, a coworker at their occupation, or just an acquaintance that wants to... Continue Reading →

“They” Series: Family

When trying to figure out ideas for nonbinary topics, I realized that I've talked about the nonbinary pronoun 'they' but there are also differences to contexts in which people saying the pronoun might learn to use it. There's family, friends, kids, ect. So this blog series is going to be for those people in a... Continue Reading →

Year One: Being Nonbinary

Today is my birthday! And I feel a lot better about it this year than last. Because I had a tough decision to make on whether I was going to come out to those that I loved. I went back and forth, telling myself that I 'didn't have to', that I'd still be okay if... Continue Reading →

Simply Writing

I feel like I haven't written in a while, because I haven't. I get so caught up in my 11-7, 40 hour a week job that my desire to write goes right out the window when I come home and all I want to do is feel my pillows under my head. Except lately I... Continue Reading →

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